My personal work is diverse and eclectic. It ranges from graphic simplicity
to expressive playfulness. I create work for myself, friends, colleagues, clients, 
competitions, commissions, exhibitions and collaborations. The connection
in all of my work is my love of the visual form of letters and words and their powerful expressive potential. In fact, it is my love of letters and words that led me to pursue Graphic Design as a profession.

As a Graphic Designer, I am always concerned with solving a communication problem for a client or for myself. I use the visual and verbal power of letters and words to reach, teach, touch, motivate and persuade an audience. My goal is to communicate
the meaning of words effectively, skillfully, sensitively, artistically, powerfully, cleverly, systematically and appropriately for the message and the audience. 

Type tells the story.

After working as a designer in a variety of positions and environments, I decided
to seek a more personal path as a designer in the late 1980’s. This led me to work with clients seeking small identity programs and personal greetings, some of which incorporated distinctive hand-lettering. Over the years, I began to incorporate lettering and calligraphy into more of my work, and in recent years, my work has become highly text-based.

Drawing letters is one of my greatest pleasures. I like to make letters unique, playful and expressive. I also have a great passion for typefaces and typography. The result of these interests is work that combines hand-drawn letters and type. The old and new, past and present, expressive and systematic, contrast and complement one another to tell the story.

I share this passion for letters, words and type in all of my classes.

It is a part of me.